Vineyards – Shanxi & Ningxia

Grace Vineyard Shanxi, China

Location: Taigu, Ranging between Tai-hang Mountains and Lyu-liang Mountains.
Terrain Average altitude: 870-950 meters 
Sunlight: Abundant sunshine; a significant difference between day and night temperatures.
Soil: Deep sandy loam soil gives good drainage, the ideal soil type for growing good quality wine grapes.
Climate: Average annual temperature is 9.8°C; average temperature in July is 23°C.
Rainfall: Average annual rainfall is 450 mm.
Humidity: Dry against bacteria, fungi and worms, a green environment free of public pollution.


Grace Vineyard Ningxia, China 

Location: Ganchengzi, Qingtongxia, Southward hill, northwest to Qingtongxia City in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.
Terrain Average altitude: 1,202-1,222 meters
Sunlight: Fierce and drastic thermal gap of days and nights.
Soil: Deep sandy loam soil with good drainage and high contents of organic substances, perfect for vine growing. 
Climate: Protected by Helanshan in the west and the Yellow River in the east. Average annual temperature: 10.1°C and average temperature in July: 23.7°C.
Rainfall: Average annual rainfall: 179.3 mm.
Humidity: Dry against bacteria, fungi and worms.

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